Top 5 progressions to do pull ups for beginners

Progressions are very important when it comes to full range of motion, People often do kipping pull ups to get the number specified in their program. But it doesn't improve strength. Pull ups for beginners could be tough in order to get the full range of motion. So, a less intensity alternative can be incorporated in order to improve strength to complete a perfect pull up. For that matter, every exercise will have a progression.

Here, as we know that pull up is a bodyweight exercise, we have a limited progressions to work on. To find out correct progressions, we first need to understand the movement of the exercise and the muscle involved in the movement. So, while performing a regular pull up, the main muscles that are concentrated are more of the muscles in the upper back, triceps and biceps.

The image below shows the exact muscle portion concentrated while performing a pull up.

pull ups for beginners
As the above image shows, it's a wide grip pull up and a lot of muscles are concentrated. Hence, it is often called one of the best upper body compound movement.

Now, as we understand the movement and the muscles concentrated, let's see what all progressions can be done to improve strength towards doing perfect 'pull ups for beginners'.

Pull ups for beginners

Exercises to help with pull ups 

1) The Australian pull ups: The Australian pull ups or the inclined pull ups, those are one of the best exercises to get that pulling form you need to perform a pull up. These also help in experiencing the almost similar range of motion involved in the actual pull up, except the intensity.

This is how it's done,

So, as the image shows, while you perform an Australian pull up, take a shoulder width grip (wide grip could be a difficult one for beginners) and the chest should almost touch the bar. You must perform at least 3 sets. Each set containing maximum possible reps.
2) Negative pull ups: Negative pull ups are a fantastic way to experience the exact pull, while performing an actual pull up. This is how it's done, using some support go to the top position, exact position you reach while performing a pull up. From there come back to the dead hang position slowly without using any support.

Negative motion gives you strength to perform a forward motion.

3)Assisted pull ups: Assisted pull ups progresses in such a way that, the weight on your hands while performing a pull up gradually increases to your actual body's weight. This is done by using a resistance band or by giving support to one leg and performing the pull up or your friend giving you a slight push to pull yourself up.

4)  Partial and hold pull ups: 'Partial and hold pull ups' you can do these by pulling yourself as much as you can, and then holding that position for a certain amount of time. Perform as many reps as possible. Do 3-5 sets of these.

5)  One arm Australian pull ups: This is similar to the previous Australian pull ups, except the fact that, you only use one hand to pull your self. You must not forget to do there for the both arms. Also for this progression, perform 3 sets for each arm. When it comes to the reps, perform 5-10 reps.

So, this is the ' pull ups for beginners', And these are almost like levels, perform these to do a full range of a perfect pull up. The intensity used by a beginner to do these and the intensity used by a professional to do a one arm regular pull up is same, the point is the 'Progression'. Do these, get there.

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